www.meguffey.com Instant Access for Guffey's Essentials of Business Communication [Web Access]
Features on www.meguffey.com Instant Access for Guffey's Essentials of Business Communication [Web Access]
- ISBN: 9781111965167
- Access to this product is valid for 180 days from initial log-in. After this period, the product will move to the "Expired" tab in your CengageBrain account.
Description for www.meguffey.com Instant Access for Guffey's Essentials of Business Communication [Web Access]
Please check the ISBN that your instructor provided. If the ISBN-13 does not match this product (9781111965167) or it's Printed Access Card equivalent (9781111821241) this may not be the correct product. In some cases, you may also require a course code from your Instructor.
The meguffey Premium Web site provides you with invaluable resources to help you excel in this course and develop workplace communication skills for a successful career. Improve your proficiency and enrich your learning with the following study resources that complement your textbook: chapter review quizzes to help you prepare for tests; PowerPoint review slides that present key concepts in an engaging presentation; writing resources that provide guidelines, tips and models; flashcards that help you memorize key terms; Personal Language Trainer and grammar review exercises that boost your grammar skills, and much more!
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